The Name Bali (Balidwipa) – Bali Island’s History

Bali Island History: Many foreign people talk about Bali because its wonderful beach and scenery. And also they said that Bali is a right place to spend the holiday, because there are so many destination tours with unique traditions inside of it in Bali.

But unfortunately, some of the foreign people or tourist who have been to Bali haven’t realized that Bali is a part of Indonesia. They thought that Bali is a country, not a province in Indonesia. So, to prevent the nescience about it, the article in this time is about the history of Bali island.

Bali Island History

The first man that came to Bali was a person who migrated from Asia in 3000-2500 BC. But the first European men who successfully found Bali was Cornelis de Houtman from Holland in 1957. Bali culture had strong influences from India, it can be seen from the most religion in there which is Hindu and also the form of temples in there.

The name Bali (Balidwipa) found in various inscriptions, one of the inscription is Blanjong Inscription in 913 C. Around 1343 Century, almost all of the people in this archipelago is Hindu. But when Moslem people came to spread Islamic teachings, Islamic kingdoms in this archipelago ‘causing the downfall of Hindu Kingdom, Majapahit. Because of it, there are so many nobleman, pastor, and the rest of other Hindu people moved from Java island to Bali.

As I said in the first paragraph that Cornelis de Houtman was the first men from Europe who found Bali. After that, Holland through VOC (Veerenidge Ost Indische Company) started its plan to colonize Bali. Started from North Bali, since 1840, the Dutch attacked Bali through sea and land in Sanur then Denpasar. Bali lost in amount of weapons, but Bali people never gave up, they fought back until the Puputan War begun. About 4000 people died in that war include woman.

In World War 2, Japan took Bali, at that time the military officer named I Gusti Ngurah Rai made a force called Fighter of Freedom. Following by Japan’s surrender in Pacific in 1945, the Dutch came back to Bali to maintain their colonialism authority again.

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In November 20th 1945, came the battle called Puputan Margarana in Central Bali. Colonel I Gusti Ngurah Rai lead his army from east Bali to attack Dutch army. But sadly, all the member of Bali’s army were dead, and made this attack as last resistance of Bali’s army. To be noted, the name of I Gusti Ngurah Rai now immortalized as the name of airport in Bali.

In 1946, Bali became one of the 13 regions of East Indonesia country by the Dutch. But then, Bali putted in one of the region in Republic of Indonesia Union when Netherland admit the independency of Indonesia in 1949.

In 1950, Bali officially left its alliance with Netherland, then legally became one of the province in Indonesia Republic. So it’s totally clear ‘till now Bali still one of the province in Indonesia.

I hope there will be more foreign people realize that Bali is a part of Indonesia. Do not forget to read 5 Destinations: Most Favorite Tour Places in Bali

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