
We offer various types of services, ranging from advertising, Approval certification, and swimming pool contractor. Our services cover:

General Information

  1. Approval Certification, including SDPPI certification for RF and telecom products, K3L (Health, Safety, and Environmental) registration, and SNI or Safety certification.
  2. Swimming Pool Contractor: We offer swimming pool-related services from pool building, pool renovation, repairment, pool water treatment, and pool equipment/tools provider.

SDPPI Certification Services

SDPPI Certificate is an approval certification required by products that have Radio Frequency (RF) or telecom features like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Cellular, NFC, etc. before being used or marketed in Indonesia. For general inquiries related to SDPPI certifications, you can drop us an inquiry by sending specification sheet of the products which shows Radio Frequency or other telecom features. Price estimate of SDPPI certifications depends on the available RF or telecom features of the products.

SNI Certification Services

SNI is safety certification required by many products categories before being used or sold in Indonesia. To get confirmation whether or not a product requires SNI certification, you can drop us an email while sending: Specification sheet of the product (with photos), HS Code information, applicable IEC Standard, factory name and factory address. Price estimate of SNI certification depends on the kinds of product and factory location. Factory location is taken into account because during certification process, there will be on-set inspection, which will be conducted in the factory.

For inquiries related to swimming pool services, you can either contact us through email or call us in: +62 21 27843242. To create early estimate, our staff may ask following information: Land size/dimension and contour for pool building, Pool size and condition for pool renovation and water maintenance, and any other supporting information. Early survey may be scheduled after the call to validate the assessment. And you may check our portfolios in: Dimulti Pool YouTube Channel.

Don’t wait any longer! Should you have any inquiries, questions, or request related to those services, drop us an email at info[at]narmadi[dot]com

Thank you