What is Internet of Things?

What is Internet of Things? For the past few years, Internet of Things or IoT has become one of the most important technologies of the 21st century.

A lot of technological and communication improvements today are thanks to Internet of Things.

The communication devices, and other technology that you used surrounding you are the combination of several systems that are connected with IoT

So what exactly is Internet of things? How does it ease our daily life? Let’s break it down here!

What is Internet of Things?

What is Internet of Things

Internet of Things or most commonly known as IoT, refers to a network of devices that are embedded with sensors, software and other technologies.

Those aspects enable them to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet or other communication networks.

So, to put it simply, imagine Internet of Things as the device that could all chat with each other and the internet. 

These devices are often refers as “smart objects” and its application could range from an appliances in your kitchen to high-tech machinery in a factory.

How Internet of Things Works?

Basically, IoT works by connecting several components like software and hardware to the internet connection, with 3 key components that makes Internet of Things work such as sensor, gateway and cloud.

So here are the basic to how Internet of Thing works:

  • First, The sensors receive the data, think of the sensor as the ears and eyes of the IoT that collects data like pressure, motion, temperature or location that can be further transmitted to be processed and analyzed.
  • Second, The collected data then needs to talk to each other and also to the central systems and sent to the cloud server that is connected to the internet connection.
  • Finally, the data that has been analyzed and processed are turned into meaningful insight and can be executed by the user.

Real-World Applications of IoT

The IoT application are vast and constantly evolving, here are the real-world application of IoT:

  • Household Application: IoT can be used effectively in a smart-home setting. Imagine an automatic door that locks when you leave, or a voice-controlled lighting that’ll turn off with your voice command.
  • Industrial: The IoT can monitor the performance and productivity in industrial settings. Connected machines can monitor performance, predict maintenance needs, and optimize production processes, thus improving the output and quality control.
  • Agriculture: Farmers can monitor the soil moisture, managing irrigation systems and tracking the crop health more efficient and accurate with the use of IoT
  • Personal: Smartwatch, fitness trackers and other wearable devices that can be used to collect personal data such as heart rate, sleep patterns and more are prime examples of IoT application.

Pros and Cons of IoT

IoT might be useful and convenient but it doesn’t mean that IoT is without any disadvantage, here are things to consider with IoT.

  • Pros:
    • Convenience
    • Efficiency
    • Safety and Security
  • Cons:
    • Privacy Concern
    • Complexity
    • Compatibility
    • Tech Addiction

So here are all the things you need to know about the Internet of Things. With technological advancement, these things can be both your new best friend and also your worst nightmares.

But it’s all depends on how we see and use this technology to further increase our productivity, skills, and ease our daily life and not turning it upside down and turning us into more tech-dependent person.

With all of these things in mind, we should know that all of the IoT devices are using radio frequency technology to work.

The radio frequency technology is one of the things that its uses is strictly regulated by the Indonesian government.

You want to know about this stuff go check this link!

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