Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)

The use of Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is really important due to the safety and comfort issues.

It is proven by the statistic that says approximately 40% of tire breakdowns was caused by underinflated tire.

Talking about numbers, it will be a little bit shocking. About 40.000 accidents, 650 deaths, and 33.000 injuries are caused by unmonitored tire pressure.

That’s why some governments recommend the use of TPMS in every vehicle that will be marketed in their country.

Moreover, the use of this tire pressure monitoring system also related to the environmental issue. Based on the research, 0.3 bar underinflated tire makes the vehicles spend 1.5% more fuel and emit higher carbon dioxide level than the inflated one.

This is why the European Commission officially publish new rule that all new models of cars as of 2012 and as of 2014 should have tire pressure monitoring system as the standard equipment. The same thing also applied in US since some time ago.

How Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Works

An Explanation to Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Tire Pressure Monitoring System

To understand how this device works, we have to know that basically, there are two different types of tire pressure monitoring system, indirect and direct. Both kinds will help the driver to know the pressure of their tires.

The system will report real-time pressure information through pictogram picture, gauge, or even simple warning light. And to give you more detail information, here are the explanation of both kinds.

Indirect TPMS

As its name, indirect TPMS doesn’t use pressure censor, but it measure the tire pressure by monitoring the speed of wheel rotation and other signal outside the tire. At first, this system is developed based on the under-inflated tires principle.

This principle says that under-inflated tire will have smaller diameter and angular velocity that got higher. From these differences, the ABS/ESC systems will measure the tire pressure itself.

While in the second generation, the tire pressure will be measured from the data generated by spectrum analysis in each wheel.

It is based on the principle that particular tire frequencies and eigenforms are extremely sensitive to pressure inflation. Then this data will be processed by special signal processing software.

Direct TPMS

Direct TPMS uses pressure sensors that are placed in each wheel. They can be placed both internally and externally. These sensors will measure the pressure of each tire and report it to the driver.

Some of these sensors use wireless power system just like the one that used in RFID which is used to solve limited battery problem using Electromagnetic induction.

Some components in Direct TPMS are analog-digital converter, pressure sensor, system controller, radio frequency transmitter, low frequency receiver, microcontroller, oscillator, and voltage regulator.

Why TPMS Need SDPPI Approval Certificate

Tire Pressure Monitoring System

To be able to be traded and used in Indonesia, tire pressure monitoring system need SDPPI approval certificate since it has wireless technology and RFID function in it.

As quoted from Indonesian regulation No. 18 Tahun 2014 about telecommunication devices certification, every communication device that still being produced, assembled, used and traded in Indonesian territory, is mandatory to have type approval certification.

Some Well-Known TPMS Manufacturers

There are two ways in getting this device. First, you can find it included in your car package, especially if you buy the new one.

And second, you can buy the device separately yourself, usually this is for the one who has old car with no TPMS function installed in it. And if are about to buy this device, some well known brands are ATEQ Tools, Bartec Tools, Continentals, HUF, OTC Tools, Pacific, Schrader, and TRW.

Of course, the brands list above is too narrow if we compare to the number of TPMS brands in the world.

So, if you are manufacturing this amazing product, and you think your brand deserve to be placed on above list, then you can contact us right away. Or, just put your thought on the comment section below.

Those are some references for you to buy tire pressure monitoring system. By installing this device into your vehicle, it means that you guarantee some of your safety. So, if you find your vehicle doesn’t have this feature yet, just don’t waste your time, go and install ones.

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