Home Plug, What is It, and What It is Used for

Home plug, narmadi.com. For nowadays use, Internet connection is really important. Not only for the field of computing devices, but, but this connection is also needed in several home appliances devices such as refrigerator, TV, Air conditioners, and others. Especially with the massive application of Internet of Things concept, the needs toward internet connection is getting bigger.

So, in order to connect the devices inside your smart home, you need an advance network connection. Generally speaking, there were two kinds of connection, wired connection and the wireless ones. But for now, we put our focus on the wired connection, especially for Home Plug.

What is this Plug actually is? What is this used for? All of these answers will be answered in below explanation.

The Introduction to Home Plug

Home Plug, What is It, and What It is Used for,

Talking about the Plug for internet connection, there will be so many interesting things to discuss. This is due to its functionality and important rule in connecting devices to devices, and also devices the network.

With this kind of functionality, we can really say that this equipment should be included to the essential part of smart resident.

Then, what is this Plug actually is? Is this the regular plug that we usually use in our conventional home?

In Fact, it is no, and it’s different. What it meant by Home Plug is actually several kinds of power line communication specs which offer unique capability of performance as well as the compatibility with other Plug specification for home.

Further, this kind of Plug is managed by the Home Plug Powerline Alliance and it already owns the trademark of Home Plug. While for the application, this plug is usually applied to various kinds of network, but mostly it is applied in broadband which is become the main target of this kind of plug.

Therefore, we will be able to see this king of plug applied in many broadband-based devices to support several kinds of low IPTV rate devices, internet content, gaming devices, appliances system, electric system, and many others.

Further, this device also uses PowerPacket, a solution from Intellon, as the base line of its technology. In 2001, Intellon has patented the baseline technology for Home Plug.


Home Plug, What is It, and What It is Used for

Talking about version, there are several version has been release by Home Plug Powerline Alliance. The very first version was the 1.0 that was released on 2001. Then, as a successor, we have Home Plug AV which was released at 2005.

And we have AV 2 in 2012, then Plug Green PHY for home that is intended to the smart grid use, and Home Plug Access BPL that specified for the home-broadband technology. Between H AV and AV 2, they are interoperable, as well as they are interoperable to the IEEE 1901-based device. Moreover, these kind of Plug is also adopted 128-bit AES standard.

The Security

Home Plug, What is It, and What It is Used for.

One of the issues of using this Plug is related to its security system. It is because the signal delivered by Home Plug might travel outside the residence or business area.

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This is where the possibility of spying action to happen. This is the reason of why when using it, it is important for the connection to have data encryption or password.

The password system is managed by the device itself. Some devices requires user to change the password to avoid the data stealing from hacker. But, some other, especially for the ones that comes as boxed pair, they have the unique combination of security key. So users do not need to change the password.

With all those description, the Plug connection for home will be the perfect kind of wired network to support the Internet of Things concept. Especially when the transfer rate of it is keep improving by the time. So, the future performance of this technology could be really promising.

Lastly, we hope this article is informative. Everything we provide here is to upgrade your understanding toward the new issue around the technological world. And if you have any thought about this matter, you can put your thought in the comment session below.

Read more about Home Plug in this Wiki Page.

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