Wireless Guitar System History and How it Works

Wireless guitar system has been around for decades and it’s one of the most important inventions that has changed the music world forever.

From a simple clapping of human hand to AI technology, music has evolved since centuries of human existence.

But every invention that came decades ago, nothing will compare to the invention of the wireless guitar system!

So without further ado, strap in (pun intended) and let’s dive-bomb (i know i should have stopped!) into the history of this mesmerizing piece of music history!

Read also: Wireless technology introduction and applications

History of Wireless Guitar System

Imagine playing in front of thousands of people, rocking out with your mates and executing a mind blowing guitar solo.

Such an amazing experience until you step on your guitar cables and suddenly all the sound from the guitar was off.

What a bummer, right?! This is one of the desperations that a guitarist named Ken Schaffer suffered in the 70’s. Tripping over cables and getting zapped by dodgy stage wiring.

That and also fueled with a deep envious of those cool wireless his singer was using, he decided to build his own wireless solution for his axe!

Thus, circa 1975-1976 he engineered and prototyped a wireless guitar system that soon became the Schaffer-Vega diversity system or most commonly known as SVDS.

This invention proved to be the most important and mind blowing invention of the 70s where his invention became the first commercially successful wireless guitar system.

His invention not only allowed full freedom across the stage with nothing but your own (wild) imagination as the limit, but also no more shocks from bad electrical setups

The history of the wireless guitar system’s creation wasn’t stopped there as a lot of popular bands at that time started using his device.

KISS, those guys with the face paint, were one of the first major bands to jump on board. Followed by other contemporary acts like David Gilmore of Pink Floyd, the Rolling Stones and AC/DC.

How Wireless Guitar System Works

Ok.. ok i know, we’re not a scientists and reading words like “space diversity” might makes you want to throw your device out of the window

So let’s make it simple, and see how this piece of magic works!

  • First, a tiny transmitter plugs into your guitar and turns your crazy riffs into a radio signal
  • Then, The signal blasts through the air and tries to make its way to a receiver unit that plugs into your amps.
  • Finally, the receiver catches the signal, turns it back into sound and sends it to your amp that will blow the stage off!

Well, that’s for the simplicity of 70’s wireless guitar system, a new and more modern system might have more fancy tricks up its sleeve like:

Modern wireless systems are even more high-tech, using fancy tricks like:

  • Frequency Hopping: This keeps the signal clear by constantly changing the radio channel, avoiding any annoying interference.
  • Digital Transmission: Turns your guitar signal into a digital code for way less noise and crystal-clear sound.
  • True Bypass: Lets you switch between wireless and a regular cable with no hassle, so your tone stays perfect no matter what.

The Pros and Cons of Wireless Guitar System

While being reliable and easy-to-use, you might consider the pros and cons of wireless guitar system before deciding to use one!

Here’s the pros!

  • Mobility: One of the most obvious reasons to use wireless guitar systems is for your mobility. Going running around the stage, jumping or climbing the PA system (but please, be careful with that one) is now possible with no filthy cable on your way!
  • Simplify Your Setup: Say goodbye to the ancient guitar setup that is filled with cluttering guitar cable. Less setup time meaning more time to rocking out!
  • Safety: Imagine being knocked unconscious by a near-fatal shock traced to a ground fault between your wired guitar connection and a metal staging element, this is what happened to Ace Frehley. With wireless guitar cable no more electric shock for you!
  • Sound Quality: Modern wireless systems boast high-fidelity sound transmission with features like digital transmission and true bypass, ensuring a chef kiss worthy of your tone.
  • Reduced Interference: Frequency hopping technology minimizes signal interference, keeping your sound clean and free of annoying pops and crackles.

While having a great advantage over wired cable, this system also has some cons that you might consider.

  • Cost: The most obvious one is cost, wireless systems can be more expensive than a standard cable, especially a newer high-end models that comes with advanced premium features
  • Battery Life: The other thing to consider is battery life, while constantly improving, battery life can still be a concern. Running out of juice mid-performance is not ideal.
  • Potential for Signal Dropouts: Although rare with a newer wireless system, signal drops caused by interference from other wireless devices or environmental factors can be a major downside for professional musicians.
  • Latency: This one usually occurs in some lower-quality wireless system, a latency or slight delay between the guitar and the amp might be distracting for some players.
  • Reliance on Technology: Wireless systems add another technical layer to your setup. Ensure you have a backup plan or a reliable cable in case of technical difficulties.

Wireless guitar system is the most important invention of musical equipment of all time, and its development is going to evolve over time to fill up the gap of guitarist needs.

So what do you think about the history of the guitar wireless system?

SDPPI Certification in Indonesia

If you need your product to be sold in Indonesia, you need SDPPI certification to ensure all of your products are within Indonesia’s radio frequency policy.

And based on the recent regulation by Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics, it needs to be certified by SDPPI before distributed legally inside the nation.

Go check this link to know more about SDPPI Certification in Indonesia.

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