Zigbee Handheld Transceiver, a New Innovation of Classical HT

Zigbee Handheld Transceiver , – narmadi.com. Before mobile phone and smartphone are getting famous and used by so many people, Handheld Transceiver, or commonly known as walkie talkie, was a favorite device for communication.

People use it for its easiness, simplicity, and functionality. But, as the development of technologies, and the fast movement of smartphone, the popularity of this device is getting shrunk. Only some people use this device.

Commonly, they are the ones who work in the security sector, military, manufacture, etc. Therefore, to be balance with the technology movement, many HT manufacturers install the newest technology in their products to give more ease and functionality for users. This is called Zigbee Handheld Transceiver.

Zigbee Handheld Transceiver in Detail

Zigbee Handheld Transceiver, a New Innovation of classical HT

Then, what Zigbee Handheld Transceiver actually is? Technically, Zigbee Handheld Transceiver is a Handheld Transceiver device which employs Zigbee frequency to communicate each other. Maybe this technology is still strange for some people because this is a newly invented device.

But, we are sure that in the following years later, this kind of HT will replace the traditional kind of Handheld Transceiver. Especially, when Zigbee HT has so many features and functions that traditional Radio Frequency Handheld Transceiver has.

Zigbee itself is a kind IEEE 802.15.4 wireless network based frequency that specialized for high level of communication protocols that is used to create personal area network. The PAN created by Zigbee has much smaller and lower than the common digital radios. Further, it also believed to be less expensive and simpler than any other Wireless Personal Area Network (WPANs), such as WiFi and Bluetooth.

There are many applications of this kind of network. Mostly, it is used in electrical meters, traffic management system, or any industrial parts that need law rate and short range data transfer. By using this kind of frequency, the power consumption can be decreased significantly with the wider transmission limit about 10-100 meters, depends on the environmental characteristic and power output.

Read also: Zigbee technology applications

Advantages of Using Zigbee Handheld Transceiver

Zigbee Handheld Transceiver, a New Innovation of classical HT

By employing this kind of frequency, Handheld Transceiver becomes more advance and can provide you more functionality. As we know, Zigbee itself is also used to control drone.

So automatically, t has larger range than the traditional Radio Frequency. By installing this tech to HT, the Zigbee Handheld Transceiver will have larger range of communication.

Further, when you use Radio Frequency HT, the communication created is only half-duplex communication. In the other word, it is only one device that can transmit the audio signal.

And the other should listen and wait his/her partner to finish the talk before he/she start to talk. Of course it is really disturbing sometimes. But, by employing Zigbee network, the communication can be created in two ways. Both devices ca transmit and receiving signal a once.

Zigbee Handheld Transceiver Needs to Obtain SDPPI Approval before Marketed in Indonesia

As we read in the previous explanation, Zigbee itself is basically a frequency. And for Zigbee Handheld Transceiver to get work, it needs Zigbee to send and receive the audio signal. Therefore, we can say that Zigbee Handheld Transceiver is included in Post and Telecommunication devices. That’s why it needs to obtain SDPPI Type Approval Certification first before distributed in Indonesia.

This policy is stated in Indonesian regulation. It is the Indonesian regulation number18 Tahun 2014 about telecommunication devices certification to be exact. It says that every communication device that still being produced, assembled, used and traded in Indonesian territory, is mandatory to have type approval certification.

Therefore, for all manufacturers who are about to distribute their Zigbee Handheld Transceiver, it is better for you to make sure that your product is certified yet.

Further, to get this kind of certification, there are two possible ways to do. Firstly, manufacturers can apply by themselves. Take care of the application drafts, doing the payment, dealing with the bureaucrat, lobbying the government lab to do testing, etc. Of course, this is going to be complicated since dealing with local institution is not easy.

The Ways in Getting SDPPI Type Approval Certification

But, you don’t have to worry about this. Because the second way makes you can take a little break. It is by using local agent services that will take care of all the certification stuffs from your Zigbee Handheld Transceiver. By using this kind of services, your product will be certified soon. It is because some local agents offer fast and economical services with such a competitive price.

Whenever you want to buy Zigbee Handheld Transceiver, you will not find as many choices as smartphone. It is because this device is relatively new and just invented in several years ago. Therefore, you have to deal with only couples of brands. But, in order to help you find the best one, we have some recommendation that is interesting to take. They are SWELL and SAMCOM.

Last word, we can say that above is not the absolute choices of Best Zigbee Handheld Transceiver Brands. There must be possibility that the other brands have the same or even better quality. Therefore, if you have any thought about this, your opinion is welcomed in the comment session below.

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