Consulting Services for Certification Products ( Sertifikasi SDPPI dan SNI ) & Pool Builder (Kontraktor Kolam Renang)

Are you trying to access Indonesian market for your telecommunication products? Or are you looking for a reliable swimming pool construction consultant? Then you go to the right place. Click on below icon and you'll be delivered to the respective page.

Swimming Pool Builder - SDPPI Type Approval - SNI Certification Services in Indonesia

- How We Can Help -

Market access and swimming pool matter are sometimes complicated, especially for those who haven't been in touch with this field before. If you have this problem too, feel free to consult with us.

We provide wide range of consultation services from Swimming Pool topic like Pool Building, Pool Renovation, Maintenance, Pool Product Supplier, and Pool Water Treatment, to Indonesian market access topic such as SDPPI Certification, and SNI Certification.

Those services are based on these 6 principles:

1. Easy Communication

Our staffs are trained to be a effective communicator. We explain things in simple and and easy language. It all is aimed to help you understanding things easier to see the problem in more holistic point of views.

2. Reliable Information

Our research team is working hard on backstage, gathering updates & information required to generate input. Every input we offer must have a background, so that the information is reliable and trustworthy.

3. Fast Response

How fast an action is taken depends on how fast the feedback is delivered. So, in order to catch up with timing, we'll start to deliver fastest response possible.

4. Supportive Group

In our support systems, each staff serves specific purpose. It's done to keep the system running in harmony. Supported by sufficient resource, we are ready to offer strategic solution

5. Reasonable Price

Cheaper price can not to secure quality, that's a sad & inevitable truth. Starting from that, our company prefer to apply reasonable pricing. "You get what you paid for".

6. Simple Procedure

Complicated bureaucracy & unnecessary procedures are not only complicating your way, but ours too. So, we cut down & simplify procedures by suggesting the fastest and most flexible solution to achieve target.

We offer Professional Services

PT. DIMULTI PILAR NARMADI, or known as "DIMULTI", is consultation company based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

We offer wide range of consultation services from Swimming Pool topic like; Pool Building, Pool Renovation, Maintenance, Pool Product Supplier, and Pool Water Treatment, to Indonesian market access topic especially for SDPPI [RF and telecom products] Certification, and SNI [Safety] Certification.

PT. DIMULTI was founded in 2008 under the name of “CV DIMULTI”. Then in 2015, we changed the company name and status to be “PT. DIMULTI PILAR NARMADI”.

Has been running in the business (since 2008) for more than 10 years, we are supported by experienced and professional staffs who are ready to help you dealing with product compliance and swimming pool construction-related topic.


Why our clients love working with us!

Testimoni Ibu Wiwik

dr. Wiwik SpOG

"...kontraktor kolam renang DIMULTI POOL....Luar biasa, Proses pekerjaannya terlihat rileks tetapi hasilnya memuaskan. Perlindungan terhadap tenaga kerja sangat baik. Kami tidak hanya cukup puas, tetapi kami puas sekali...."

Bapak Inhul Hadi Riau - consulting services

Bapak Ihnul

"... Hasil pekerjaan yang diberikan sangat memuaskan, tim Dimulti Pool sangat solid, bekerja sangat profesional sesuai dengan bidangnya masing-masing. Administrasi lengkap. Ketersedianan layanan konsultasi sangat baik...."

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Get in touch, one of our representatives is waiting.

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