Getting Easy with NFC Network: Gaming, Commerce, Phone

Have you ever wondered how instant tap-and-go services such as Google wallet and Apple Pay work? Instead of magic, these kinds of services can be explained scientifically. And the answer is (Near Field Communication) NFC technology. So, what NFC network actually is and how does it work? Here is the brief explanation about it.
What is NFC Network.

If we refer to the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, we can say that NFC network is the technology that will really support the mass application of it. By employing NFC, devices such as Smartphone and Tablets will be able to communicate with others within the range. We have talked about DASH7 Network previously, right? This is the very similar technology with NFC.

They both are basically an RFID network and used to connect two devices or more within the range. But, the different between them comes especially in term of the range. DASH7 has much wider range than NFC which is only about 4 cm or 2 inches. That’s why in using NFC, you should tap both devices in such a close distance.

While in its operation, you will find something simple in the NFC network operation. NFC chip and module operate as wireless link. Whenever one passive chip (tag) is activated by another active chip (reader or interrogator), automatically, there will automatic data transfer between these two chips.

This is when the NFC communication happened. With this communication, NFC technology can identify us by our NFC-enabled devices or cards.

Further, this communication is not only happens in one ways. But, the two ways communication between two active devices is also possible. Then, what makes this NFC Network communication is interesting?

It is because of ease, and simplicity it offers. As we know, to do this communication, there is no pairing code is needed. You don’t even need to get through several connection-setting procedures. And more importantly, this connection only needs low power amount. It’s so simple, convenient, fast, and economical.

The Application of NFC Network

The application of NFC network has been viral since many years ago. The most familiar application is on the credit card for contactless payment system. While for other applications, they are developed constantly from time to time to achieved the ideality of this technology. And to give you clearer view about it, here is some example of NFC technology in the daily life.

NFC Network in Gaming

The application of NFC Network in gaming might not as familiar as the application of it in the payment system. But, indeed, it exists. The application of NFC in video games was firstly introduced by Nintendo in its Wii U series.

With NFC, the Wii U users will be able to use several accessories, customize the character, unlock several features, and many more. With this technology, of course, playing video game will be much funnier than ever.

NFC Network in Commerce

NFC Network

This might be the most familiar use of NFC Network. Commerce has used this principle since a long time ago as the use of credit card and electronic ticket are getting viral. And now, this technology is employed in more advance use, the smartphone payment system.

For Apple user, you might be familiar with Apple Pay, which is introduced in 2014. While for the Android user, Google wallet or Host Card Emulation is the example of NFC application in the advance contactless payment system. Even though, this kind of payment system still faces several issues, especially on safety.

in Smartphone Automation

Smartphone automation is quite new. But, it is really interesting, especially for those who have no time to change their smartphone setting. The application of this principle is by making programmable sticker with NFC tag in it. This sticker will be able to change your phone setting, launching certain application, changing profile, execute commands, and other.

With this tag, people who are about to enter a meeting room for example, he doesn’t have to change the setting of their smartphone into the silent mode. All they need to do is touching their smartphone to the NFC sticker in the wall and the phone will be put into silent mode automatically.

Finally, with the explanation above, we can say that the application of NFC technology is so essential. Could you imagine how many people will be helped with the viral application of it?

Millions, or even trillions. So, if you have any other contributive ideas about this technology, we welcome you o put them in the comment session below. And lastly, we hope that this article will be able to improve your knowledge toward the new technological updates.

Source: Near field communication

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