DASH7 Network: What is it, History and the Applications

To support the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, now we provide you another network alternative that could be used. This is a DASH7 network. Some of you might already familiar with DASH7 name. But, for the rest, you might not recognize what is DASH7, what it is used for, and how it is operated.

And in order to fasten the application of IoT, we think it will be interesting to let you know the detail of this technology. So, for you who are dying for this, please refer to the following explanation.

What DASH7 Network Actually Is

DASH7 is a network managed by DASH7 Alliance. And simply, we can say that DASH7 Network is a kind of network with lower range and lower power wireless. Sometimes, it is also called as “instant on” network. In its operation, this wireless communication employs the RFID with Open Source standard.

This is the standard that usually used for Wireless Sensor Networking, or which is usually called WSN. Then, what are the benefits of using this network as a standard? And the answer is related to the battery life of this network.

By using it, user will be able to get longer battery life with at least 2 Km of range in Indoor. Moreover, you can also connect this network to a moving object with data transfer reaches 167 kbit/s.

Read more our other article about RFID in: Understanding RFID Reader: What It Is & How Does It Work

The History of DASH7 Network

dash7 network connects the moving

The history of DASH7 Network was started in January 2009. At that time, U.S. Department of Defense held the biggest award for RFID technology in the world. At this event, the Department make a valuable 249$ contract for the prime contractors of this technology.

They are Northrop Grumman Information Technology, Say Technology, Systems & Processes Engineering Corp, and Unisys. Then, the consortium of this network technology, the DASH7 Alliance, was announced in March 2009. This consortium succeeded to create around 50 members from twenty-three countries in 2010.

Then in 2011, the consortium developed the DASH7 Network Mode 2, which has the multi hop, better security, lower latency, faster connection, and sensor support. This is quite a jump from the first version of this technology. That’s why there were several manufacturers that started to use this network in their devices. Further, in March 2012, the DASH7 Network was started to be used by non-member as an open source network.

The Applications

There are several application of DASH7 Network, especially for the ones with commercial values. And here we provide several applications of DASH7 Technology. The first application is on the home automation. This application is due to the DASH7 ability to penetrate inside the door, windows, walls, and other solid substances.

Therefore, the network can be spread around the house to be accessed by other devices that operate under the 2.45 GHz frequency. Further, this is also strengthened by the fact that DASH7 only uses low power, so that you can be more economical on the power cost.

Second application of DASH7 Network is on the automotive industry. As the time passes by, DASH7 IS also aimed as the new technology in Tire Pressure Monitoring System. This is due to the similar operating frequency of both technologies, which is 433 MHz. With this frequency, dash7 is considered as the most appropriate technology to be used in today’s TPMS.

Another reasons of using this network in TPMS is due to its accurateness, better safety, and more fuel-economical. Besides these applications, the DASH7 is also better to be used in Location-based service devices, logistics, and mobile advertising.

Apparently, that’s all of the information regarding to the DASHH7 Network that we need to share. We hope that this writing could update your understanding toward the newest info in the technological field. If you have any more ideas about this kind of network, you can put them in the comment session below. And whenever you think that this article is informative, sharing it in your personal page will be much appreciated.

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