Battery Comparison Between iPhone 6s VS iPhone 7

iPhone 7 is premium smartphone from Apple which has high-rated specification. However, iPhone 6s as its predecessor still has power to attract the market when iPhone 7 is not affordable. Here we will see the battery comparison between iPhone 6s vs iPhone 7.

This comparison seems to be fair since the iPhone 6s is still considered good in the market. So, the comparison will see the battery performance in various condition, including moderate usage and heavy usage. And here is the comparison.

Battery Comparison between iPhone 6s VS iPhone 7

As iPhone 7 is released a year after iPhone 6s, this smartphone is supplied with the latest technology from Apple. One example is A10 processor that is claimed to have better power management rather than A9. We will see the battery comparison between iPhone 6s VS iPhone 7 first by its specs.

Read also: iPhone 6s VS iPhone 6s Plus Battery Comparison


iPhone 7 has 4.7-inch display with resolution of 750 x 1334 pixel, here iPhone 7 has identical display with iPhone 6s. The difference is in their battery capacity where iPhone  7 is supplied with 1960mAH battery and iPhone 6s ha 1715mAH battery.

With bigger battery capacity but same size and resolution display, iPhone 7 is expected to have better battery performance. It is also supported with the latest A10 processor that has better tweak to improve power management. In this case, iPhone absolutely wins the combat.

Daily Usage

Battery Comparison between iPhone 6s vs iPhone 7

Battery Comparison between iPhone 6s and iPhone 7 feels so odd without seeing the specification on the paper. But it is needed to see actual battery performance.

This part is going to see the battery comparison between iPhone 6s and iPhone 7dealing with normal moderate usage.

Both phone is set to have fully charged battery in the morning and will be checked its battery performance during the day and in the end of the day.

The phones will be used to do some moderate activity including web browsing, checking social media, sending and receiving email with active synchronization, taking some picture and streaming online video. In this test, both phones show impressive battery life.

iPhone 7 wins with more than 30% battery left in the evening while iPhone 6s provides only 20%. The battery capacity on iPhone 7 may be the reason why it can manage battery life better beside of its efficient processor.


Next we will see the Battery Comparison between iPhone 6s vs iPhone 7 in term of gaming. Playing games on both phones is interesting thanks to their large display. However, playing on iPhone 7 is more interesting.

The games becomes so smooth with high graphic rates. iPhone 6s is also interesting but with slightly lower graphic rates that you can ignore.

In term of battery life, iPhone 7 still wins the combat by giving power to play casual 2D games and 3D games for about 7 hours.

If we calculate that it drops 14% battery in 1 hour game play. iPhone 6s, actually, can identical power but it has slightly lower graphic rate. Both iPhone and iPhone 7 can perform very well, however.


When the price of iPhone 7 is relatively not affordable, iPhone 6s can be another alternative. In term of battery life, both iPhone 6s and iPhone 7 can perform well giving power for a single day.

As the conclusion, iPhone 7 can be more recommended than iPhone 6s with better battery life and advantage of latest technology.

But, when it is not really affordable iPhone 6s is also good enough. That is the battery comparison between iPhone 6s and iPhone 7.

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